Privacy Policy.

This website, www.matakamaleshwari is owned and operated by Vermillion Creations ABN 66 227 091 133.



If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at

Mata Kamaleshwari – Sally Thurley – Owner and Director

This document sets out our Privacy Policy. It describes how we collect and manage your personal information when you interact with this site or sign up for one of our opt-ins. Vermillion Creations takes this responsibility very seriously. If you have any questions or concerns about how your personal information is being handled, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We choose to voluntarily comply with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

We understand that visitors from the EU may access this site, so we also aim to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Personal Information

·      The information we are most likely to gather from you when you interact with our site, submit an enquiry or subscribe through an opt-in link is your name and email.  That's it. First name too, not even your last!  As our marketing strategy grows and expands in the future, we could potentially request a phone number in some cases, and when conducting market research, we may like to know your occupation.

·      Then there are your interests and preferences. That's really handy stuff to know, to make sure we are reaching the right people and giving them what they want.  We may collect some of this info from running a Facebook ad or noticing things like which part of the world seems to apply to our offers the most. 

·      Depending on our marketing requirements, we may look at what you have clicked on or showed interest in for our own statistics, just to see what works and what doesn't.  That way we aren't banging our head against a wall or listening to crickets.  After all, our whole purpose is to deliver to you what you most need to really get this whole living an awakened life thing. It’s all consensual!

·      If we have provided services to you at a live event like an exhibition, we may request your name, email address, feedback and maybe a testimonial.  Some forms may need you to provide your address and phone number also.

·      We seriously only collect the most simple and straightforward information, the general requirements that all businesses need, so we can offer our services to you.  Nothing sensitive, nothing fascinating or interesting.  If you wish to tell us something fascinating and interesting that would be great! Life is meant to be fascinating and interesting. Email away. (We will never share without your express permission).

Collection and Use

 We may collect your personal information by various means including:

·      When you subscribe to our newsletter;

·      When you send us an email;

·      Through analytics and cookies collected automatically by my website;

·      When you have attended an event;

·      When you have purchased a product;

·      When you fill out a retreat participation form;

·      When you sign up through an ad in Facebook or Instagram; and

·      When you found a link somewhere out there in social media land and followed it to find us!

We use this information to:

·      Provide you with relevant news and updates about our services;

·      Improve this website and the services we provide;

·      Be able to respond to your inquiries;

·      Provide you with the information you have requested;

·      Monitor your satisfaction;

We will only collect your personal information:

·      With your full awareness and consent, such as when you email us, purchase a product and ask for delivery, tick a checkbox or fill in a form to provide us with information;

·      If we need it to provide you with information or services that you request;

·      If we are legally required to collect it;

·      If we believe that we can demonstrate a legitimate interest in using your data for marketing purposes, although we will always give you a choice to opt-out; or

·      If you are coming on retreat with us. Legally, we need to know really important things about you like diet preferences, your next of kin, that you are healthy and well and able to fly with us.  You really want us to have that info! Of course, there’s a mofo legal document that must be signed before you are able to come, as well.

Sensitive Information

We understand that some personal information is particularly sensitive.

We will only collect sensitive information by methods that are reasonably secure, such as:

·      When you send me information in an email.

The reason why we collect this information is:

·      So that I can provide you with the services you have contracted for;

·      To ensure that I am providing you with the most appropriate services; and products and

The sensitive information we ask you to provide for this purpose may include:

·      Your middle name – yep, some people really don’t want that getting out!

 We are committed to securely storing and handling your sensitive information. We do this in the following ways:

·      Sensitive information is stored in a locked filing cabinet / on a password protected computer;

·      Only authorised team members may access sensitive material; and

·      Some sensitive information may be stored securely online, or in the cloud through Sugar Sync. You can find out more about their security provisions here:

You have a right to request any personal information that we hold about you.  Please forward all requests to and me to get back to you within 7 days

All archived sensitive information is securely destroyed after 7 years.

Professional Considerations

We have no professional regulations regarding the information we collect. We make this commitment to you because of the high value we place on integrity and proper business practice.  

You may choose not to provide us with your personal information, of course! That’s totally cool. It is always your choice. However,

·       If you choose not to be completely honest with us, I may not be able to provide you with the services that you request;

·      If you don’t provide us with accurate information, you could place yourself and other retreat participants at risk or cause problems with insurance; and

·      You can’t come on retreat with us or be mentored professionally, and that’s not something you want to miss!

Use of Personal Information

Reasons, why we may disclose your personal information, include:

·      To provide you with the services you have requested;

·      To send you products that you have purchased; and

·      Our payment gateways will require it; and

·      Sometimes we offer a bonus for working with us that may involve giving your details to another professional who will be providing a service or product to you.

In order to do this, we may share some relevant personal information - on a strictly need to know basis - with:

·      Our virtual assistant (VA);

·      Australia Post or courier companies;

·      Other relevant service providers who are working with us to provide you with even more goodness;

·      Our accountant; and

·      Our lawyer.

We will also disclose your information if required by law to do so, or in circumstances permitted by the Privacy Act – for example, where we have reasonable grounds to suspect that unlawful activity, or misconduct of a serious nature, that relates to our functions or activities has been, is being or maybe engaged in, and in response to a subpoena, discovery request or a court order.

If you have any concerns regarding the disclosure of your personal information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss this personally.

We will use all reasonable means to protect the confidentiality of your personal information while in our possession or control. We will not knowingly share any of your personal information with any third party other than the service providers who assist us in providing the information or services we are providing to you. To the extent that we do share your personal information with a service provider, we would only do so if they have agreed to comply with our privacy standards as described in this privacy policy. However, some of our service providers may be overseas and may not be subject to Australian Privacy Laws or compliant with GDPR. Please contact us if you have any concerns about the potential disclosure of your information.

Most of our information storage is done through online platforms and companies that help with email provision, CRM and the use of sales and landing pages or scheduling systems.  All of these companies are based in America.


 We use reasonable physical, technical and administrative safeguards to protect your personal information from misuse, interference, loss, and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

We are a company that is purely in service to our customers.  We are committed to gathering information with integrity so we can simply give you what you have asked for and add you to our list to keep delivering great content and support.  We use the best respected companies for our technical side that we trust are doing everything to keep all data safe and secure.  At no time would we knowingly do anything to risk an invasion of privacy for you or our company. We take our responsibility of care seriously.

Only staff or contractors of Vermillion Creations have access to the platforms that store all our client data and even they can only access information on a need to know basis.  The security of our systems and platforms is updated regularly and all our files are securely stored.

We manage risks to your personal information by:

·      Storing files securely;

·      Ensuring that only key personnel have access to sensitive information;

·      Releasing information to service providers on a strictly need-to-know basis; and

·      Conducting regular audits of our security systems.

As mentioned above, your personal information may also be stored with a third-party provider, where it will be managed under their security policies. The personal information we collect is stored in ActiveCampaign.  Here are the links to their security information if you have any concerns:

·      ActiveCampaign:;

The only information we compile about you would be where we followed our own data on Facebook to our website or in the CRM software in Active Campaign, so we know how to run Facebook Ads and automate our email system. If you do not wish this to occur, please contact us.

Access to Information

You can contact us to access, correct or update your personal information at any time. Unless we are subject to a confidentiality obligation or some other restriction on giving access to the information which permits us to refuse you access under the Privacy Act, and we believe there is a valid reason for doing so, we will endeavour to make your information available to you within 30 days.

Please begin the process by sending an email requesting access to your information to us at and we will endeavour to respond within 7 days.


If a breach of this Privacy Policy occurs, or if you wish to request a change to your personal information, you may contact us by sending an email outlining your concerns to and we will endeavour to respond within 48  hours.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may seek a review by contacting the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner using the information available at

Notification of Change

If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post a copy of the revised policy on our website.

Notification of Breach

If we have reason to suspect that a serious data breach has occurred and that this may result in harm or loss to you, we will immediately assess the situation and take appropriate remedial action. If we still believe that you are at risk, we will notify the Office of the Information Commissioner and either notify you directly, or if that is not possible, publicise a notification of the breach on this website.