Love to order a work?

Let’s chat.


Brilliant news, you can commission an artwork that will fill your space with scintillating consciousness :-)

Simply email me what your needs and wants are at to start a chat about it.  Please introduce yourself and say hi.

Things to think of to discuss with me are:

What medium you would like? – i.e., oil, acrylic, mixed media, watercolour, pencil etc

What style of work? – i.e., my kind of spiritual or life work or works on paper.

How many details? – the more detail, the more expensive the work for example if you want a room of people or animals.

What size? – i.e., canvas or board or paper size.  The size of the work sets the basic price of the commission.

How to pay for the commission?

What is your budget?

Do you have an image in mind you would like?

We can discuss it all and work through it together.

 Check out the shipping policy and refund policy on this website.


Some other things to know:

Full payment is to be made upfront.  If you need to make a payment plan, that is something to discuss with me.  If that is the case, 50% of the commission quote is to be paid upfront for the project to start.  The finished work will be collected or shipped once fully paid for. 

Once we discuss and agree I will send you an invoice for card payment. If you would like to bank transfer that is fine too or PayPayl and we love cash.

There is no set timeline for the completion of work that I can guarantee due to health at the moment, but I will work to get it finished in good time.  I will keep you informed and part of the process along the way.

Once complete and dry and ready to go, we will discuss the shipping options and quotes for shipping costs, which are not part of the original commission quote.

There are no refunds or returns for delivered commissions.

Email me to chat about a commission.