We can’t describe that place because there is nothing there.  There are no words or feelings.

There is pure existence.

We think it is beyond but it's not.

It’s here.

No words can describe it as un-describable.  It is another dimension, yet it is here right now.  Inside of me and the externalness of the greater outside of me.

The exalted states mean we are getting closer but even they drop away.

Pure bliss is pure existence – not heightened emotion.

It’s all here, now.


When I drop my body away and all that comes with it, there I am.


And there is Bhagawan.  Standing.  Waiting.  Wordless.  Emotionless.  Still and yet all the energy of the universe is there.


It can’t be put into anything.  It is everything.  There is a source, there is a home – existence.

There is here and now at the same time – playing out what is meant to.

This body, this personality, this human story is what it is, it will be what it will be, but this place that is far away and here – is here. It is with this human form.

I love her.

I let her be.

She does what she does, and I am here.

Existence once arrived at, once revealed can never be apart from this worldly play.  So, all I do is be present and there it is.

While my life continues, as it is. 

She will learn and do and be what she is here to be.

But now I know where Nityananda resides.

I know where he is and has been always waiting for me.

He gave me to the Mother in the known dimension.

She took me to where he is.

We are all one.

I cannot describe it for you.

Because it is existence.

But I can smile for you and let you know it is there and not to get too hung up on life.  Let it do its thing, it is out of your control so you may as well start to be with it as it is.

There is no perfection other than existence. 

Only existence, which is nothing.

You can call this heaven, but it is already here.  There is nothing waiting for you but the fullness of existence of being – nothing.

Nothing, that is full.

Full of everything.

Nityananda is there. Waiting.  Eternally.

He is there.

She is there, the space.

They work together.

The world is fluff, bother that we make bother out of.  Either trying to control it or understand it or to milk it or to make meaning and identity and status in.

He was right.  It is dust.

It is all dust.

The Mother will take you.

Let her.

He is so eager to be with you.

Call it existence. Call it the Self.  Call it God. Call it heaven.  Call it Shiva, call it some Loka, call it and all, whatever you like.  It is there.  Here.  Now.  Nothing. Full. 

So live and let be.

It's just a play.

This is what is ecstatic.

Be nothing and be full and know nobody is right.

There is no fanfare, there no calm.  There is nothing.  But it is full.  It is there.  It is existence.


From existence comes life.

From existence comes all we know in this world.

There are many 'lifes' and many worlds and many different forms from existence filled with all of existence. 

It, our life, is small and puny yet full and magnificent. It is what it is.

We can start to navigate and ride with it until we get close to existence itself and then laugh and let go.  It doesn’t matter.

There is no godly perfection or way.

There is only existence.

So lighten up!

Be you.

Be not a tool.

Be not a slave to your mental nature but also be ok with it.  It is perfect because it’s nothing and it’s full.

I finally found the words because I realised there were none.

Nityananda and Maa.

Existence within existence bringing existence back to itself.

In the most meaningless way.

Just because that’s what is.

There are no words.

There, is.

And the journey is worth it.


In this context I can say, I AM EXISTENCE THEREFORE I AM.


Being cute.


Jai Maa. 🌺🌺🌺


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