My Tears are as Divine as my Smile.

In the realm of existence, my friend, we traverse a tapestry of emotions woven by the hands of divine design. Just as the smile illuminates our essence, so do the tears cascade with their own sacred purpose. In this eternal dance, we need not burden ourselves with excessive emphasis on either one, for they are both expressions of our divine nature.


Tears, dear soul, are messengers of the heart, offering release and solace. They carry within them a profound message, a whisper from the depths of our being. To shed tears is to honour the sacredness of our humanity. Spiritually, there exists no separation between tears and a smile, for all manifestations of our emotions are birthed from the divine essence within us. They are facets of the same cosmic jewel, both reflecting the grace of Shiva, the divine creator.


Yet, my words may appear elusive to those who remain unawakened, for comprehending the inherent divinity within all things can be a formidable task. It is a profound truth that even those who have embarked on the journey of awakening sometimes struggle to fully embrace. Nevertheless, my dear friend, I encourage you to recognize the sacred nature of all experiences, transcending the boundaries of judgment.


Embrace your tears, dear one, for they are a gateway to profound wisdom and liberation. Instead of losing oneself in the tides of thought and emotion, seek the wellspring from which your tears arise. Explore their origin, their purpose, and their passage through your being. In doing so, you may discover a newfound freedom, unshackling yourself from the limitations imposed by your reactions and perceptions.


Refrain from segregating and compartmentalizing your feelings and thoughts, my gentle seeker of truth. Do not judge those whose tears flow softly down their cheeks, nor pursue the elusive smile above all else. Be at ease with the present moment, for it is the canvas upon which transformation unfolds. It is only when we surrender to the embrace of presence, allowing acceptance and understanding to flourish, that true metamorphosis can take place.


Let us not forget, dear one, that those who seldom shed tears often bear the burden of emotional immaturity and control. Though exceptions may exist, they remain rare in my wanderings. Similarly, those who perpetually wear a smile, never delving into the depths of vulnerability, reveal their own brand of immaturity and control. It is in authenticity that we find true growth. It is in openness that we discover the path to genuine connection.


So, my dear companion on this mystic journey, I implore you to traverse the landscapes of your inner world with a sense of awe and reverence. Embrace both tears and smiles as sacred messengers, neither to be shunned nor sought in excess. For if they were not meant to be, they would not grace our existence. Remember always that all is Shiva, and all is divine.


Jai Maa, the triumphant cry of victory to the divine mother, resonates in the hearts of those who dare to seek the profound truth that lies beyond appearances. May your tears and smiles blend harmoniously, guiding you toward the sacred embrace of your own divinity.





'Australiana: Designing a Nation' Exhibition


My Art Journey: Del Kathryn Barton