Truth. Transcendence. Transformation.
Truth. Transcendence. Transformation.
These are predominant themes in my life and if I were to distil my motivation for sharing and expressing creatively, it would be for truth, transcendence and transformation.
Here’s something cute for you. My artist’s signature. It contains the word TRUTH within it, encased in a circle representing perfection from the truth of self-knowledge; then is decorated with nine lotus petals honouring the shakti or divine feminine.
Truth is the truth of who we are, literally Self-knowledge. Self-realisation. Truth is what is unarguable as it isn’t a concept, it’s an experience and deep knowing. Truth is divine in origin and always present but if we aren’t aware, awakened or seeking truth we are ignorant of it. In the great game of life, we are all playing hide-and-seek with something that is already there and not missing.
My art may seem pretty, colourful, and cute, out there (cause it comes through me 😁) but it comes from a state of truth and is truth wishing to be communicated in a way that may be recognised or received.
Truth for me also means practical and real. REAL. NOT all the B.S. about the should or who we are meant to be. Damn it life’s tough no matter if you’re me, you, the Buddha, Yoda, anyone. It’s bloody tough and some of us go through a lot more than others so not everyone has been through enough with enough strength of character to gain wisdom and depth of being. We can’t judge others because of this. Life IS the crucible of all our transcendence and transformation.
Real means the truth of the matter, which is I bleed, I hurt, I have holes in my personality, I have issues, I get a lot wrong. But also that I am a living, breathing entity doing her best to expand and heal and learn in a never-ending process until the day this body stops breathing.
As a mystic, as a spiritual being, the human is still here and still bruises. I’ll never have it all worked out on a gross personal level, but have it sussed on a subtle cosmic level. That’s the goal! So, I’m good with that.
Being honest, vulnerable, and transparent is for the tough. It is a way of kindness and takes much strength and solidness in being. Truth gives us a shot at Big Heart, Big Mind, Big Being™.
Now let’s look a little at the other two T’s. I write a chapter on each of these in my book the 'She-Monk' which is available on Amazon if you are interested. For many people, art has the ability of transcendence. This is a spiritual quality- but for those who put off my movements of the soul and spirit, they are happy with what the arts can do – fine art, dance, theatre, poetry, writing, music etc.
The arts can take us to a place beyond our identity, to a realm that is out of our body and current reality. The arts are our mental health, they are our relief, our joy, our access to emotion, our reality.
They are the truth.
They help us feel and connect and celebrate.
As a spiritual action transcendence can provide a glimpse of our true nature and real state.
Blissful, free, loving, energetic, powerful, and silent are some of the feelings experienced that keep us coming back for more. We experience this with great works of art and when we take the time to meditate daily, spend time in nature or partake in something like kirtan with a spiritual community.
However, transcendence is one part of a whole that must include transformation because it isn’t transformation, it is a gateway to it. What we encounter we bring back into our world, our gross reality, our bodies.
The transcendence becomes integrated, and we upgrade, we become open to a more divine experience, to greater wisdom, to new understandings and perspectives and to greater awareness of ourselves and others. Transcendence without transformation is deadly actually.
It’s an ego trap and can lead to delusion and wanting a cheap fast way for more like taking drugs. Only when we allow the discomfort of transformation have, we truly got the gift of the divine experience.
Please, sit with my work, and look at it like a yantra – cosmic diagram. Feel it, observe it, be with it and most of all enjoy it! There is something in there wanting to connect with you, that is in fact in you, an awareness ready for acknowledgement.
Jai Maa
Jai Bhagawan.