Being Your Word Comeback..

It’s time to get real and dirty and move in the way of your ‘word’. We all have one and we all have a road map to our word and it is unique to each and every one of us. The way of the spiritual aspirant is one of harsh light-of-day honesty, integrity and ok-ness culminating in an understanding from experience that it is all about our humanity and humanity in general.

There’s enough vanilla and exotic also fluff out there so I won’t be adding to it. Are you ready to plunge deep into your own nature? To finally work out what happiness and purpose and well-being and wisdom really are? Good. Let’s do this. I’m ready and have been here long enough and experienced enough to be able to navigate through the weeds and landmines and delusions of life.

The world needs real, it needs authenticity, it needs love, compassion, wisdom and humanity. This is for the rare ones who are willing to be misunderstood and more willing to break the chains of maya, ignorance.

If you want to join me twice a week for the energy and practices then join my sangha.


Jai Maa



Moving and Memory Bubbles


International Chef Day