New Year’s Message 2023
Happy New Year 2023.
Here is my message for this year –
Be disciplined in your sadhana and committed to being your word.
We are already knee-deep in the changes that are happening, the kind that occurs as massive turning points in history and changes in mankind.
These changes are part of our evolution and are either positive or negative depending on our ability to stay the course with our practice and word.
Presently I’d have to say mankind is behaving, unfortunately. We are polarised and not present to the bigger issues at hand. The new that's manifesting will be both beneficial and disadvantageous to us. The disadvantage part is that we are bickering and being petty and will regret what the powers that be are implementing.
Change of this magnitude always comes with discomfort as we have already experienced during covid. The way forward is to remain a sadhaka, to remain steadfast in your sadhana or spiritual practice. To be determined to sit and anchor yourself daily in the Self with meditation, puja, prayer, yoga, whatever your thing is.
Without this then being your word will be at times too great a stretch. Doing the work is the most rewarding thing you can do and will be the cause of the personal and spiritual development within you but it is also damn hard during times of ease.
When there’s pressure and stress and so much uncertainty and an unlimited amount of opinion and belief out there the first thing to go is our centre, our commitment, our faith in ourselves and the divine. Unless you are a firm yogi – someone 100% into your union with the divine, understanding that Big Heart Big Mind Big Being takes tremendous application, concentration, and dedication - you'll be swept along with the struggle narrative.
This is a good time ahead, there is much to gain and uncover from within and without if you are open to the best way forward. Please don’t get caught up in the garbage – the diarrhoea coming from the far left and far right is as disgusting as each other. Please watch out for and be a light to your family, your community, and your town and be a stand for truth, transcendence and transformation for yourself and everyone else.
Be it. Work it out. You’ve got this.
Here for you. Let me know what you need, and how I can help. Join the sangha! Best advice ever and the best way to stay the path.
Sending you much love and goodness for a wonderful year ahead.
Ammaji xxx