A Beautiful Mind, a Big Mind is a Garden.

The metaphor of the mind as a garden is correct.


Something I have learned through experience is that the mind is best kept beautiful or to be more precise -its original state of the Self. Big mind.   


This state is beautiful and has nothing to do with positive or negative, optimistic, or pessimistic etc. It will be naturally able to organically move towards openness that provides space to be filled with satisfaction and even bliss.  


I have learnt through life’s journey and trials that we do die on the cross of spirit and matter and the outcome is a deepening of our humanity - not some fairy-tale saintly state.


The outcome is definitely, real. Truth. SAT. Standing in the true light of day, of spirit leaves you very real, open, divine and human.


A beautiful mind still weeps at the loss of a loved one. It still fights for what is necessary and appropriate, it still feels the fluctuations of time on the body and pain because it is still human and embracing and expanded because of that.

A beautiful mind still feels joy at the smile of their child, of people enjoying a meal that's been lovingly prepared and the intimacy they can feel with their significant other.  

It is all, however, tempered. The tempering is the constancy, the presence of consciousness, and awareness.


 To be beautiful is to be the Self and also human. 


A beautiful mind is not as we are led to believe, about academic intellect or never feeling emotions. It is like a joke from previous spiritual beings to try and catch us out but they put it across so sincerely and seriously, a koan.  


An example is a story I once read from Osho. It was about an enlightened woman watching her child drown and feeling nothing and keeping on walking (paraphrasing). Such rubbish. Such utter rubbish. We are talking about a guy with his extraordinary story and the fury he had over the actions of his secretary and the subsequent fall of his empire. Not this. 


There’s an incorrect belief that a being with a beautiful cosmic mind is only positive and never gets miffed, feels pain or any other so-called negative emotion. I’ve learned nothing could be further from the truth.


The more real you are, the more connected and more honest and open and willing you are to accept life as it is, to still make the most of it. With this attitude, we can see and experience the beauty of all the aspects of life that aren’t as we would prefer.


The beauty is in being without being caught and fooled by your stories and identity and what you think you should be and act like.

If you can stay heartfelt, loving and compassionate during the fluctuations of life, the body, and the world then you have a beautiful mind and beautiful being and a beautiful heart.


If you think or believe the goal is no sadness, pain, emotion, or illness then you aren’t there yet and bought into the shadow, the ego of spirituality. I believe this is one of the arms of the cross we need or will momentarily die on when grace wants to take us there.  


Until you have been through this and arrived at this magnificent garden and learned to hold it, regularly weed, water and feed it ie cultivate and grow this garden, then the beauty of the different colours, flowers, and fragrances life gives us to discover and maintain this garden won’t be there.  


Instead, we will be fearful and avoidant of the parts of us that are an important part of the full spectrum of life and reality. We are one being, one source yet in this dual universe. All the dual is the one. We don’t annex or annihilate one to get to one. It is crazy. We embrace, allow, acknowledge and bring it all in and be part of this life experience. 


If we all tended to our inner gardens we would have a beautiful collective mind, a community garden.


Be real, please. Feel love, cry, laugh, all of it.


Taking this on as a practice will give you freedom and peace and hopefully a glimpse of the Self. Once connected to your Self it all becomes beautiful and deepens your love, your character your ability to be there for others and also begin to know what is right and appropriate for you. As your garden thrives you will discover an ability to stay loving with a huge heart and underlying peace at all times even when the waves are crashing around or there are storms above.  


Once you have let yourself die on this cross of life and spirit then the beauty within, in all experiences, in all circumstances is forever present and you are happy to be this bleeding creature, brilliant and real creature that you are, even when the misinformed and well-meaning but judgemental around you assume otherwise including, the light and love only – if you are hurt or in pain, you are out of the vortex garbage superficial spirituality - you won’t be caught in its delusion.


Negative emotions will no longer dominate or even be regular visitors, yet, they don't disappear never to be seen again, instead, our relationship with them and awareness of them change for the better. 


To own and be satisfied, peaceful and comfortable in who you are and all that life puts us through is the most enjoyable and rewarding place to be. It is the goal. 


Life is a mixed bag. The true power, the real power is how you hold it and be with it and find permanently that place inside of you that is always still and peaceful no matter what the human is going through. And yes you absolutely can have this centre and awareness and still feel pain, sadness, and joy. 


Hold it ALL as beautiful because you have a beautiful garden for a mind. Big Mind.






The Clown


New Year’s Message 2023