Think You Don’t Need A Spiritual Guide?

Think you don’t need a spiritual guide?


I invite you to contemplate otherwise.


I hear quite often, usually when there’s some kind of spiritual disaster, people claiming how proud and happy they are that they don’t need a spiritual teacher or guide and do it all on their own. Admirable and I understand as it seems a big deal to many, but it may be a surprise to hear me say this, it’s all ego and fear.  


Of course, you need a guide and mentor. You need one for every area of life, what do you think parents are? Our first teachers, guides and mentors. I watched this flare-up recently with the Dalai Lama incident with the young boy we can call tongue gate. A total misunderstanding that activated the underlying fear in those ready to judge, charge and hang spiritual leaders. A Western preoccupation.  


There have been some crushingly obscene disasters for sure with dodgy teachers and cults and they warrant our caution but there is no way at all, anyone who sincerely wants to know their true nature, especially in our society, can get there on their own. Very few in history have and they are the great beings.  


I love how those full of fear and let’s face it, ego, think if Ramana Maharshi did it (google it), then they can. If you don’t understand karma and Eastern thought traditions, then you won’t understand why and how Ramana became Ramana and also why the Dalai Lama innocently interacted with a visiting child the way he did.


I have in the past often been sincerely interested in people who declare they don’t follow anyone or any particular way and think are therefore immune to being deceived when this is one of the greatest deceptions. Sorry, my darlings. I’d love to say it wasn’t, but it is.  


I had to go through the dodgy guru thing and deal with the heartache of finally having to accept the person I had cherished turned out to be a selfish ass. 


Here’s the hard-to-take paradox – he did have goods and he did take me to where I wanted to go and I did get what I came for and then as part of the cosmic play of it all, I had to know when it was time to walk away. Had he not ended up being such a liability to my life I would have always happily stayed. It is for me in this life not to.


Had he been an honest person with a modicum of humility, he had in his hands a golden opportunity to show people that all beings no matter how great are still subject to karma and there is a way of dealing with the tragic fallout from spiritual greed which he succumbed to.  


A real mentor guides the devotee to where they are best suited, with no ego investment and when that seeker has landed on their own solid permanent holy ground, they take the baton and walk forward as a new fresh mentor. It is as natural and organic as any flow of life.


There is a risk, yes. With whatever you endeavour to engage with in life. 


At some point, all seekers will have to come face to face with fears and doubts and judgements about those around them and the path they are on. The risk is inherent in the journey and is there just as hard for those thinking they can do it on their own.  


Your chosen guides' qualification for you is that they have achieved what you are setting out to. They must have walked the path and fought the demons on the way and succeeded. This helps because we get fooled by education and costumes.  They mean nothing. Studying a three-year degree or even a damn PhD in any area of religion or spirituality does not qualify, ONLY experience does.  And no, becoming a life coach and then using new-age fluff and calling yourself a spiritual coach/mentor is not it, that is so far removed from what I am talking about here.


A monk or priest in robes is not a guide unless they have realised the goal of their tradition.  A regular Joe living a normal life in the ‘burbs that has fulfilled the inner quest and reached the land of the Self is highly qualified. How will you know? You will know because you will eventually start having experiences and shifts in awareness and your tendencies will be coming up for review to name a few things.


I'd say it's far more dangerous to attempt the journey on your own or to settle for someone that won’t challenge you and hasn’t made the grade themselves. No concrete and consistent guidance, just a tonne of information and 99% of it is Woman’s Digest-level crap. Who is going to understand the stage they are at and provide the support and space for the next breakthrough? Who can translate their worldly woes into spiritual solutions?


Personalised Support: A spiritual guide can offer personalised support tailored to your specific personality, needs and aspirations. They help you work with your strengths, weaknesses, and support you with areas for growth and offer tools and techniques to help you overcome challenges. Their guidance can accelerate your spiritual progress by providing targeted advice and encouragement.  


You need a teacher folks and they may not come in the way you dream of. I will bravely add here that those who think they are best off walking through the mud of matter on their own are at a higher risk of delusion and deception and are incredibly arrogant.  


When all the fallout happened in my old spiritual community, I was often exposed to these above-mentioned people saying to me ‘I was never that deep into it like you were, I kept my distance and didn’t get too involved so I’m ok and just so relieved I never fell for it’. 


My goodness. I watched them and observed, they may have been right. What I witnessed thought was they were the ones with the least spiritual development and had no idea of surrender and faith, rather holding onto some self-preservation and again, ego. They don't get it because they didn't get it.  


To take this further I have also learnt that most 'spiritual' people get into the vibe, the thrill of the energy and the resulting highs and psychic visions which are the exact things that keep them stuck. Whilst it's nice, it's superficial and only complete surrender and hanging in there during the ugly stuff and building resilience in the face of everything will get you across the waters of ignorance and suffering to liberation. 


There is no room for fringe dwellers when talking about spirituality if you want liberation. It is ride or die. It is life. All of you needed, not segmented parts to suit you. Whatever path you choose, and eventually you settle for one, you throw ALL of yourself into it, with eyes and heart wide open.


The ones in my community that had profound enlightening realisations and a deepening of their being were the ones who jumped in the deep end and didn’t question if they could swim or breathe underwater, they just put all of themselves into it. Sure, it didn't prevent pain when things went awry, but I had the wherewithal to hold it all well and take the karmic hit which was all thanks to the initial dedication.


Of course, how I would give anything to have a guide still in living form. It would be so comforting and satisfying to have someone to talk to at the level I love. I miss that sometimes. 


If the living teacher disappears then another might come, depending on what is destined for you and if not, once you have attained what you needed, the guidance is there from the guru within and if you are fortunate, a great guru or being from the past guides you. For me, that is the case with a being called Bhagawan Nityananda.


I get the support and guidance I need at the time I need it. I learnt to breathe underwater. Once you have consciousness in you as you and you know it, nothing anyone can do to you can interfere with your divine connection. It’s impossible.


But that sounds bloody awful I hear you say? True. But it was a valuable lesson in leadership and personal responsibility and sadly spiritual attainment -which I have seen in so many situations - doesn’t equate to zero messiness with life. Possibly if I were to be honest, it increases messiness.  


As you release your outer Self, identity, karmas, and energies, bit by bit, onion layer by onion layer, the lessons are tricker in nature and harder to pick until they have you upside down and inside out. What do you expect? How do you get to the place of being tossed around and yet not entangled by the world? You have to go through it. Those protecting themselves can’t see the subtlety and don’t realise they are upside down instead of the right way up.


A guide is the way.  


Deepening Practices: A spiritual guide can introduce you to new practices, rituals, and techniques that can deepen your spiritual journey. They may share meditation techniques, breathwork exercises, energy healing methods, or other spiritual practices that align with your needs. These practices can help you develop a stronger connection with yourself, higher consciousness, and the divine.


The tradition I come from would have to be one of the most universal on the planet. It embraces life and even all faiths as one, it sees one underlying consciousness in everything manifest, it lets you be you as you and so much more. As beautiful as it is, it will not bear fruit for you, at all, if you can’t get off yourself and take on a teacher and take initiation.  


In classical tantra, the teachings and methods can only really start once this initial and imperative step has happened. One major reason is that it protects you! It makes sure you are getting your body, your mind, and your emotions ready to handle the enormity of cosmic energy and enlightenment.  


You could break without it. You run the risk of losing your mind. It is not a path for the masses because the masses aren’t ready and can’t handle the first basic fact, that you need a guide. So they will join a new age book club and wave crystal wands and I genuinely wish for their happiness because that is where they will stay.  


Accountability and Motivation: On a spiritual journey, it's easy to lose focus or become discouraged. A spiritual guide serves as a source of accountability, helping you stay committed to your path. They can provide motivation, encouragement, and gentle reminders to keep you on track and help you maintain consistency in your spiritual practices.


Eventually, the time will come when you must snap that ego by bowing at the feet of one who has done the journey. By having someone stop you in your tracks when you are full of s***.  You MUST be called out on your BS.  If you can’t then at least you know you are not ready, not there yet. Note by the way and this also may be difficult to hear but this relationship is up to you to nurture and maintain, a good spiritual guide automatically loves you but has no personal attachment to you and it is best to be this way. 


Challenging Limiting Beliefs: We all carry limiting beliefs and conditioning that hinder our spiritual growth. A spiritual guide can help you identify and challenge these limiting beliefs, providing alternative perspectives, and guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the nature of reality. By doing so, they can help you break free from patterns that no longer serve you.


Does that mean you let them f*** you over? NO! I know first-hand how hard it is once the mind is open and the lines are no longer there. There’s nothing to cross. But there is a commitment to integrity needed and expressed by the guide.  


Personalized Support: A spiritual guide can offer personalized support tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. They can help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth, and offer tools and techniques to help you overcome challenges. Their guidance can accelerate your spiritual progress by providing targeted advice and encouragement.


Choose wisely and accept your karmas with grace and dignity which is how it is in all aspects of life. Take the plunge.  


The whole idea of guru and teacher never phased me, I was so hungry. I was so ready and wasn’t even aware of it. Many arrived, and one was the right one. Spiritual experiences happened my entire life yet it wasn’t until I was in my teens that I learnt it wasn’t the same for everyone and I needed a guide and consider myself fortunate.  


Wisdom and Guidance: A spiritual guide possesses knowledge and experience in the realms of spirituality, personal growth, and self-discovery. They can provide valuable insights, teachings, and guidance to help you navigate the complexities of your spiritual journey. Their wisdom can save you from potential pitfalls and provide a broader perspective on your path.


If you are scared of a teacher, you are scared of life and will not have the chops to face the ultimate fear at the gate of liberation which is an internal terror that sends most on the quest heading for the hills.


My teacher never held my hand, never gave me an easy time but would offer the perfect contemplation or homework for me to learn on my own. That is the best way. Unlike today with information so readily available and all answers you want and need at your fingertips, further complicates the process.  


So much information is more a hindrance than a blessing. They mean nothing without guidance and in particular, initiation. 


Transmission of Energy and Presence: To me the biggest reason for a mentor. A spiritual guide often embodies the qualities and vibrations of the spiritual path. Their presence and energy can have a profound impact on your spiritual development. Being in the presence of a guide can help you tap into higher states of consciousness, elevate your energy, and experience deeper insights and realizations.


It is still your way with your unique relationship to the divine and your own experiences. The more patient you are and willing to do the slow and long haul the quicker you get there.  


You will need a guide, teacher, and mentor.   

All my love pilgrims.

Ammaji x



My Art Journey: Del Kathryn Barton


Straddling two worlds no more.