Follow the Rules until the Rules Disappear.

Follow the rules until they vanish.

Everything's gone.

Books, beliefs, processes, formulas—all gone.

Not even knowledge matters.

What replaces them is serenity, peacefulness.

Grateful to my karmas.

No boundaries, conditions, or ways in sight.

Just life.

The rest is gone. I'm gone.

People get worked up over nothing, always in a fuss.

Yet, even in them, the divine moves.

According to its own way.

Step back. Be quiet. Rest.

Do what's necessary on the path and know that the path disappears too. After everything, we're left just existing.

That's it.

We exist according to our nature.

Creative and mystical.

Being in nature, reading, drawing, swimming, painting, laughing, cooking, eating, loving, meditating. Subtle, gentle, simple.

The beauty that remains when everything else peels away, dissolves, or is brutally taken by life.

No inclination to ring bells, guide, or teach in the way I used to.

Just a flower in my own garden of being.

Nothing remains but existence itself and the small trappings of being human.

An artist, a poet feels deeply, notices everything, forgets everything.

Can be grumpy, have preferences, hurt, and find aging and disease unavoidable. Sometimes inconvenient.

Fewer people around now.

That's how it is, honest and true.

How lovely the waves are today, rolling in little sets.

The water is cool, bringing vibrancy to mind and body.

Warm enough to dive straight in.

The sets roll in like ocean purrs, creating joy and excitement as you play games with each wave.

Feeling the exhilaration of weightlessness three times your height out at sea.

Goddess as water, air, sun, sky, legs to walk me home, the crisp apple I eat on the way.

The Goddess came with no past and no instruction.

No rules, no more of what has been.

Energy as colour and language, an open portal of existence.

All the rules disappeared.

The Goddess remains.


From the Inside Out: Cultivating Peace in a Chaotic World


'Australiana: Designing a Nation' Exhibition