From the Inside Out: Cultivating Peace in a Chaotic World

The World Needs Peace.

Humanity needs help.

It starts within.

What if I told you that each one of us can change the world?

Starting by the simple and radical act looking at the choices we make daily and the ownership of our state, our way of being and belief systems.

 We can all be peace, and the level of peace depends on how evolved we are.

The world is going through change and growing pains.

 The changes are triggering our ugliest parts.

Out of insecurity and fear, we inadvertently contribute to the hideousness that’s happening, everywhere.





Growing financial inequality.

Cost of living.

Poor political representation.


Lack of responsibility.

As a global humanity we are failing, we are failing each other.

I temporarily bought into the narrative due to living in an area with a high crime rate. It made me uncomfortable. It felt awful to participate in negativity. So I dropped it and chose love.

I caught the train into the city in a space of love and calm.

In my inner world, I gave love to everyone on the train, I gave love to everyone in the city.

I had a great day.

People smiled.

People were kind.

The city sparkled.

We have the power to heal this ‘mess’.

How can we cultivate peace?

We can start by being selfless and supportive. Is there something I can do to help? Is there something I can do to contribute to an easier and less stressful transition to our new world?


We can be kinder to one another.  We can be kinder to ourselves!

We can question our beliefs and their origins, asking if they are true and productive.

We can spend time every day in meditation to become aware of and familiar with our innermost being which is always calm and loving. 

One of my favourite practices is at the end of my morning sacred time, after meditation, to visualise loving energy as flowers going out to my loved ones, then to the people in my street, my town, then spreading further and further to Melbourne, to Victoria and then to all of Australia and the globe. I can’t tell you how powerful that is and how impactful on my life as people are so responsive, kind and fun to be around.

A powerful habit to cultivate is starting to be ok with things as they are, and embracing the now.  That will give our systems a break and help peace enter and then solutions can enter.

We can appreciate where we are.

Moving to an area of high immigration it was startling to me to discover how much people who had chosen to move here had a habit of finding fault and complaining over and above what deserved it.  I had this I guess naïve assumption that choosing to live somewhere meant you appreciated that place. As an expat kid, I had a lot of experience with this.  I was wrong and I can see now why some people have a hard time integrating.

I had to remind myself that I sincerely love the cultural diversity of this city and could have appreciation regardless of how anyone felt that impacted my daily experience of warm interactions with others. 

Gratitude is the antidote to almost everything.

Every time you catch yourself and get present to judgement and criticism, commit to finding something to appreciate on that subject, something to be grateful for.   

Love filled my heart for my city and its people that day on the train. I saw how easy it would be to calm the energies down.  When we are peace, we give others the space to walk into peace and become peace themselves.

Crazy shit may happen and changes to laws and policies at another level may have to take place but never underestimate the power of peaceful loving energies and the power of letting go as you relax into peace and move away from fear and anger and judgement.

Peace and love together provide freedom, that’s my secret formula.

We are free and we forget.

We have been free to grizzle and complain yet forgotten that means free to heal.

Be kind

Be peaceful.

Humanity desperately needs peace.

It starts within….YOU.  

Peace is not just a part of the journey; it is a journey. Every act of kindness, every moment of compassion, brings us closer to a more peaceful world. Let's start today. Be the peace you wish to see in the world and be responsible for your contribution to humanity.

Jai Maa. 🌺🌺🌺



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