We don’t need anything other than to work with Big Heart, Big Mind Big Being™.
After decades of spiritual practice, service and study and finding myself still washed up on the beach of life, I realised a harsh lesson that would put everything into place and unlock the most vital key to freedom. Nothing changes life nothing matters if we stay in the realm of the transcendence phase, we must embody what we learn and experience. I talk about this a lot in my book the She-Monk.
There are so many misconceptions about spirituality and spiritual life, and one is the blurring of the lines between what is expected of us, the image, and the way of being spiritual and the truth of being a human.
You see what I noticed was that spirituality is designed and influenced by the idea of monkhood or renunciation. Yet, I was doing classical tantric practices. These practices are designed to embrace life and encourage realising the Self whilst actively engaging in and participating in life.
The great beings of the tradition I come from weren’t in fact, monks. I witnessed people doing the work not thriving in life as they ought to, and monks misbehaving and causing major trauma to people with no personal responsibility, hiding behind their robes. It is a mess.
But I worked it out. Embodying is pure being and there’s a way and it slices through a lot of the rubbish we think we need to do or be.
We don’t need anything other than to work with Big Heart, Big Mind Big Being™. That is my conclusion, practice and what I eventually came to experience as the embodiment of spiritual work.
We never, in fact, stop the process of life, of karma and avoid being washed up on the beach of life, but we can embrace and find bliss in every situation in life. We can learn to keep a broad universal mind, open magnanimous heart and sense of purpose and service to humanity no matter what.
I will unfold gently further what that all means but, if you are interested, you are most welcome to explore my spiritual website and online centre Mahadevi Dham and join my little community and start the most incredible, practical journey of your life, the path of Self-Knowledge.
*artwork available on website x
©Mata Kamaleshwari