Confessions of an Ex-Evangelist

I used to be one of them.

One of the evangelists.

Someone who’d benefitted so much

From awakening that I arrogantly

Preached my amazing experience.

Too many do that. It’s an innocent

And naïve mistake.

It is a mistake.

Later in life eventually I learned

Transcend and transform.

Have the experience of the divine and then

Integrate it into your life seeing

Everything is divine.

Seeing EVERYTHING as divine.

Not just the well, the happy, the skinny,

The beautiful, the small, the healthy,

The fit, the successful.

All of it.

The clouds, the rain, the sadness,

The ordinary, the unattractive,

The pain, the tears, the heartache.

All of it.

Proudly I’d preach vegetarianism as the way,

You can heal anything, happy thoughts only,

hustle for your perfect life, you attract what you think.

I looked fabulous – good genes – but I preached

It was what I was doing and you could have it too.

All that kind of bullshit. It is all bullshit.

And honestly, I did know better.

God put me through the mincer.

God held me fully underwater for the last few years

That I grew gills.


I can’t get way with shit now.

My directness and realness may be

Unpopular, fine.

The world is a magnificent place.

I love people. I love humanity.

But the world and humanity is


We layer it with coverings of shit.

Bullshit. Crap.

Thoughts, concepts, identities, morals.

The worst of them are the spiritual ones.

From all faiths and backgrounds.

I don’t care where you are from

And what you believe.

If it doesn’t have compassion for

Fellow man, if it doesn’t

Feel ok with God as grief and sadness

As much as joy and bliss,

Then I’m going to wish to tell you

You’re full of shit.

There is nothing that is not Shiva.


Flowers blossoming in your garden and

Beautiful happy bees collecting pollen.

Foxes ripping the heads off pet rabbits

That escaped.

All Shiva.

Your IQ, your degree, your car, your dress label,

Your address, your skin, your hair, your body,

Your DNA, your history, your nice knees,

Your enlightenment, Your years in the Himalayas,

Your Instagram feed means nothing to me.

Your compassion, your humanity, your

Emotional maturity, your self-lessness, your

Kindness, your sharing, your rawness,

Your goofiness, your struggle, your triumph,

Your universal faith, your ability to stay kind,

Wise, loving and full of integrity - I’m engaged.

In this age, the world will never get it.

This voice is important for those that do.

It would be lovely to have more beings

That have transcended the bullshit, the

Mind, the science, the quasi-spirituality,

The turgid religions.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for being one of those evangelists,

If that impacted you in the past.

Let me now be your resting place,

The cadence from the ongoing


Pause with me.

Find the eternal in the pause.

Let it all go, the mad buzz of the

World and the overactive minds in it.

Dare to BE.

The world won’t understand, they will judge you,

They will abandon you, trust me.

But you will be whole and complete and

Wise to our reason for being on

This mortal coil.

You will go home.

They will stay.


©Mata Kamaleshwari.


Straddling two worlds no more.


Munch and Me: My Connection to Edvard Munch.