The Universal Mother Goddess & Me - Happy Navratri.

The Universal Mother Goddess. She is all energy, all vibration, all particles and matter and everything we experience and witness and the awareness to be able to experience and witness life. 


Navratri 2022.


The Divine Feminine, where to start? There’s so much to cover it has been such a private and personal journey…


Once on this earth, there was a time when women were access to the divine.  The feminine was revered, equally enlightened as their male counterparts and often the custodians of temples and cosmic knowledge. In the last 2000 or so years, across the globe, the collective consciousness went down a patriarchal path, resulting in a limiting delusion that caused so much harm – God was a He.


For example, look at the damage that has taken place due to the first testament story that was twisted, and the true meaning lost. The story is that Eve ate the apple in the garden of Eden and as such must always be punished, in a nutshell anyway. This is a lie and an excuse to do what took place, the unseating of feminine rights and power.


This is not a feminist rant.

This is not political. 

This is not anti-masculine. 

Be open and let it broaden your horizons and wake something up in you that has always known and been waiting for you to find this and other similar communications. Maybe.


I’m a mystical being meaning my essential eternal divine nature has been present for me my entire life, as long as I can remember.  I thought everyone had the same natural way of being, knowing they were mystical and magical.  It was how I always experienced life as a kid until the forced conditioning as I got older had me hide it deep inside and go along with the crowd for basic needs to be met. 


An interesting era to be born mystical – rejection of religion and the assumption that all spirituality and religion were in the same category.  Total individualisation and obsession with the material have created in reality a total loss of being who you are and the resulting collapse of connection, care and sadly, the importance of the family unit and our mental health.  This time of harmful individuation and limited global understanding esp in the West has bludgeoned and hammered all other thoughts, and ways of being, out of pride and insecurity.


The Mother has been underground waiting, but she never left.  She has been part of this era.  Why? Because She is the cause of all creation.  It’s simply karmic for the globe and thankfully now changing.   Mankind has been asleep. However, not the rest of creation. While man has been asleep and the masculine has dominated the world (almost all of the world, this is not down to one culture or race!), Mother Nature has been exploited, abused and taken for granted.


Don’t worry, She is rectifying the situation way before mankind wreaks destruction. She will get rid of man if we don’t get it, it’s all good. She will always be there taking care of everything; nurturing, loving and defending those who are awake and open to Her.


Awake, by the way, has nothing to do with the present social thought constructs or political correctness.  Woke certainly isn’t awake. All that is ego stuff.  Awake is being in touch with and open to the divine, to Mother Nature.  It is being in harmony with Her, working with Her, surrendering to Her.  I’m describing being, pure being.


To my knowledge, most cultures originally were in awe of the divine in Her natural state before organised religion, in balance with Her.  Due to man’s utter stupidity and manipulation for his desires and control e.g., the Vatican’s knowing and misinformation of Mary Magdalene that seriously influenced society - the Goddess was driven underground. During this time, She was kept alive in small societies and cherished almost secretly e.g. Sri Vidya tantra of India.


My mystical unfolding and Self-driven spiritual development took me thankfully to the tantric path of Kashmir Shaivism.  After decades immersed in it, life took some radical and harsh turns.  Free falling.  I saw how slowly, slowly She was making Herself known to me for some time.


Innocently, naively I followed the signs, the stones on the path in the woods at night with staff and lantern.  It was like that.  It was a journey only I could take, alone. No organisation, no rule or guidebook, no guide or teacher.  Only an awareness of something unknown was becoming known.  I’d have loved all of the above by the way – guides and guidebook.


It was in 2017 during the Durga festival in Benares, India, with my daughter that She, the Mother made Herself known and started a process of discovery and embodiment that delightfully always is delivering and expanding.


She came as black mist energy first, as we slept right beside the banks of the Ganga.  The pieces of my journey and Her part in it fell into place.  She has been watching, following me all my life and particularly since my first trip to Ganeshpuri, India in 2007.  This first India trip to India crushed me on every level and was I believe the catalyst. I had to be ready and free from all influence to realise Her in me and then eventually as me.


What followed was magnificent.  The guides came as voices and whispers of strangers over the coming years. Help came, mantras came, initiations came, rituals and ceremonies came, and healing came. I did nothing but allow it and marvel.


The clearest voice was from a beautiful old soul in India who approached me in a little local café. He read me like a book like he wrote the book.  Being born in the West meant I couldn’t walk around as myself, as I wished, but I could at least make the most of a personal brand and use the brand well until the day comes when I can let it all hang out as me.  Maybe I move to India, who knows!?


I could write volumes about Her and what has taken place, my insights and knowledge and experiences. Maybe over time, I will. The Mother is awakening in many of us and our job is Being,

Embodying Her. It doesn’t matter if others get it or not with us but today heralds the start of the biggest Goddess celebration I know of, Navratri.  Nine nights of the Universal Mother Goddess.  Celebrated in various ways four times a year but this is the biggest one. This is Sharad Navratri and the Goddess being celebrated is a form to represent every other form we know of Goddess, of the divine feminine, Durga.


The culmination of these nine nights and doing the sadhana, spiritual practices of them is Durga slaying the demons and setting us free.  She is the ultimate mother for nothing is as ferocious as a mother protecting and defending her children.  I see it as the demons being our minds.


This is a most precious time filled with Her energy.  I can’t stress enough how available the Mother is right now, the opportunity for your inner pilgrimage to finer Her in you, as you.  We are all the Goddess; we all resonate with one of the millions of forms of Her or more.


Jai Maa.  Hail the Goddess, the Mother of the Universe. You are our only hope in bringing humanity together and working with you as the earth again for ultimate peace and well-being and survival.


For these nine nights and all the rest of my days, I revere and worship you Oh Mother.  I allow you to do as you wish with this body.  Thank you for restoring that creative artistic part of me temporarily killed off by society, by quite literally the masculine.


May She guide all my work and express Herself through me in ways that help humanity and give a spark of recognition in those awake or ready to awaken to Her, to creation, to our reason for being,


May She reveal Herself to all of humanity and may humanity be smart enough to embrace the need for harmony, peace, community, health and happiness and get that working together and working with the earth is the way forward.  May humanity get that striving for money, position, status, power, self-interest, looks and selfish needs is what has done the most damage.


Happy Navratri All x



If you would like to join us for Navratri or any program or simply like to learn to meditate then reach out or check out my spiritual community Mahadevi Dham.






We are here to remember what Love is and then simply to Be it.


Farewell High Country.