Choosing the Right, Aligned Path in the Current Art World.

Recently I did an online art business course with Lisa Congdon, whom I love. In it, there was a discussion with the studio audience about re-emerging artists. That is me, an artist that had to take a substantial amount of time away from art due to life circumstances and persuasion. It was amazing that this topic came up. The response of one of the experts was interesting and funny.

She gave an example that if you left art due to some extraordinary call to become a yoga master, which is highly unlikely, then that is a great story. This can contribute to your new art. The enjoyable part is that’s exactly what I did. She was being tongue in cheek and possibly sarcastic as in it was something quite extreme or far-fetched; too funny.

I perused yoga, well, actually it was classical tantra -not the yoga that would spring to your mind like it was the goal of life because it is.

The goal of life, your essential reason for being is not education, not status, not marriage, not children, not recognition, not the perfect body, or perfect health but Self-knowledge. Once you have Self-knowledge, then everything you do is purpose, contributes. 

All I mentioned are part of the machine, the robot nature of mankind, part of society, and our culture, which seems compelling because it’s so nice to fit in and or do better than our peers. Artists may be deeply intuitive, but they also are prone to chasing the machine of society rather than the spirit that gave them their gift.  

 There is a famous quote by Krishnamurti that I love and is so true –

 “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” 

 After recently consuming a lot of literature and videos on how to enter and succeed in the art world today, I see that the art world has some cleaning up to do and has contributed to the sick part of society. There seems to be a massive gulf in the art world and galleries seem to be struggling but stubbornly holding on tightly to something that is no longer relevant.  

 In my research, I came across a great video interview between two guys called Magnus Resch and Kenny Schachter. Both seem big in the art world. New to me after my hiatus and both were very interesting. Kenny seems cool and brilliant and unaffected by the elitist constipation of the high-end art world that they both describe. What he said rang true for me, and I will pay attention to it. Magnus (brilliant name) is also helpful and seems to help people break into the elitist bubble, but it was Kenny, who’s clearly an artist, who had more of the ‘just make your way and f*** the bullshit” attitude.  

 My job and your job are to observe and watch for the movements of consciousness. What feels expansive and what feels restricting?  For me, it is to be the mystic and bring it to my art and relationship with the art world. Where is the truth for me and where is the no go zone? I’m glad I found the ‘yes current’ to begin with of Lisa Congdon. Lisa has an empowering and expansive vibe and certainly is for the more self-marketing entrepreneurial artist. 

 The other guys were lovely and interesting and I’m sitting with all the content I consumed recently and eagerly awaiting the books I ordered. *Face slap*. However, it took me back to what was stressful when I was a younger practising artist…the head trip and ego of the art world and finding my place within it. 

 Luckily, I had skills as a curator and worked as a curator in the city and found it fascinating and easy to work between the worlds. Did that impact my work? It did. I was overly influenced and looking outwards for validation and the best style to embrace. One of my main motivations for this new opportunity is not to do that again. I only look inwards and love my style, sophisticated or not.

 Can we avoid it, the art biz trip? Not really, it looks like engaging with it is important as ever. At this stage, thank God, creating and sharing are what’s important for me.  What about you?

 Galleries are struggling and there has been a considerable downturn in art sales in the last 10 years, especially with the recent impact of Covid. That means a couple of important things to note - It’s harder to find art buyers and the artist is more empowered to control their career than ever; there are more avenues and directions to take.

 All this is fascinating. With the advent of social media, which didn't exist in what seems now my prehistoric past, there is some kind of hope. Everyone unanimously supports using Instagram and having an artist’s website. Some of the boffins push everyone to have the same dull personality-free grey, sterile website that hides the prices of the work, others tell us to bring our personalities back and the transparency of prices and information. I like the latter. So, that is where consciousness and good feeling are for me.  

 My mission is not related to any of this anyway. There is a business side of me that loves the structure of a business approach. I will continue without falling into the head trip. If the industry needs change, like all industries across the globe (which is the overall theme of the coming social transformation), then I’ll happily avoid the old outmoded, unfair, and elitist way. Art is for the masses, not just elderly white rich men in New York, although they are free to buy my work ;-)

 My mission is related to helping the world go through the big, harsh, and massive transformation that is only just beginning. We are in for a rough ride. The art world better hold onto its hat. It's about to be turned upside down in the coming decade. If my art provides some joy, some revelation of truth, some hope and spiritual energy that uplifts the perceiver, then I’m doing my God-given purpose.

 What can trump that?

 What is your mission?

Meditate, enquire. Go with the feeling of expansion and know your options for there are many.  If you can catch yourself getting stressed, in your head, and changing your work to suit a slowly dying system, then stop. There is an upgrade coming.  Hang in there.  Work for the sake of the work.

 By the way, I’m brilliant at discovering people’s soul purpose. If you want to find yours and be satisfied and content and challenged in all good ways, sign up here for a mystical discovery with me. Xxx





Farewell High Country.


What is Creative Resistance?